​​​​​​​​© ​2025 Michiyo Kurosawa

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Albums- Japan

Fireworks symbolise the meaning of time. They appear in front of us and fade away quickly.
The photographic technique captures the seconds of beauty into an abstract image. It is manmade beauty.
The frozen time enables us to perceive the complete images of the impossible work of art through our naked eyes.

These photographs used the vocabulary of flowers to describe the beauty and uniqueness of fireworks.

It is well known to have a lot of different fireworks events during summertime in Japan. I bought a fireworks guideline magazine from the convenience shop and studied the locations for great fireworks events around Japan. I travelled through different transportation to reach the fireworks festival in the morning and walked through the streets with food booths to reach the coastal area to watch the fireworks. I supposed most of the photographers were already there and were waiting at the coast area to capture fireworks in the evening time. Most of the photographers including me would wait at the event for 7 or more hours just to capture these beautiful art pieces. The waiting time was long and sweaty. Although I had to put in a lot of effort to capture fireworks, the result seemed all worth it.

It is rare to capture many fireworks photos inside the UK and have more difficulties in finding a perfect spot to produce beautiful photos as well. Firework shows are rarer compared to Japanese fireworks events. There are a couple of days of Fireworks events in November each year for Bonfire night. There are fireworks shows on the 1st of January at 00:00 everywhere every year. It makes the fireworks photos more valuable and rare to obtain and produce.